For Business Creatives



In 2015 I was told by numerous successful entrepreneurs that to grow your business quickly and build trust with your clients (and future clients) I needed to get on the blogging train. Blogging was a way to connect and educate my clients in ways they haven’t experienced before.  After all, how many wedding photographers in […]

blogging mistakes, education for business creatives, loren jackson photography, photographer akron ohio, community over competition


Last week I talked about why having a blog and sharing content on that blog matters.  You can read about that here.  We’re going to take this idea one step further today. The best blog posts share helpful information that your ideal client finds value in.  Ideally, you’ll blog two, three, four, maybe even five days […]

Evergreen content, how to blog, blogging education creative business, loren jackson photography


Something I’ve learned about myself the last year is I lie to myself.  A lot.  I let the devil on my left shoulder whispers lies into my ear.  The sad part, I believe those lies. That faint whisper tells me I’m not good enough.  I don’t know enough.  I’m not talented enough.  Creative enough.  Knowledgeable.  […]


Is blogging dead?  In the last couple of months, I’ve been asked this question.  Business Creatives want to know why blogging matters if others say blogging is dead. First, I don’t think blogging is dead.  There are readers in the world who look at blogs for helpful advice.  Real advice.  From real people with real experiences.  Take […]

Why Blogging matters, education for business creatives, loren jackson photography, photographer akron ohio, community over competition

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A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and we know it's easy to feel like a hot mess! Grab my free guide to a stress-free wedding day!


How do you get from the easiest YES to celebrating with your friends and family?  Grab my free guide to keep you on track with #allthethings

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