For Business Creatives



2019 was a great year for me finding new books and growing my knowledge about business. Sometimes I feel like I’m at a disadvantage of someone that has a business degree. But then I remember how much debt a degree puts people in, and books are much cheaper. I’ve always been a reader. When I […]

business books for creatives


My Story is Important Year number three in the books. The first year since 2016! I’m home from the Showit United Conference with a refreshed creative heart. The to-do list is long, but the soul feels so light. And happy. I forgot how good continuing education felt for me. Since becoming a momma and putting […]

showit united conference, tempe arizona, conference for photographers


This past summer, I started listening to the Goal Digger Podcast more. I knew I needed to dig deeper into Instagram marketing and the one Creative that I knew would teach me about the popular social media platform was Jenna Kutcher. I hopped on the Goal Digger podcast wagon and downloaded any episode that seemed […]

instgram marketing comparing Plann to Planoly


It’s only recently that I began to implement Pinterest in my marketing workflow.  I listen to the Brands that Book Podcast with Davey Jones from Davey and Krista, and Vanessa Kynes was a guest twice. The first episode on BTB she simply talked about the importance of Pinterest for businesses.  How, when done correctly and […]

Pinterest workflow with tailwind

FREE GUIDE: 5 tips for a

Stress-Free Wedding Day Timeline

A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and we know it's easy to feel like a hot mess! Grab my free guide to a stress-free wedding day!


How do you get from the easiest YES to celebrating with your friends and family?  Grab my free guide to keep you on track with #allthethings

Wedding Planning
Timeline + Checklist