Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas, Photographer Akron Ohio


Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas


Valentine’s Day gift ideas, have you started thinking about that yet, Gentleman?  No?  Well then this post is for you!  Valentine’s Day is 11 days away.  And I’ve done a lot of the hard work for you!

Your lady friend, Girlfriend, Fiancé, Wife, what ever she is to you, may tell you that she doesn’t want to do anything for Valentine’s Day, but unless she’s completely emotionless, she wants you to make a big deal of it.  I know, but I tell my Husband every year that I don’t care what we do, we don’t have to do anything, and every year I’m lying.  It’s what we Ladies do.  And we do it well!

So I’ve polled Facebook for you, asking the ladies for Valentine’s Day gift ideas.  And here’s the top responses.

  1. Date Night
    If you have small kiddos, YOU need to arrange for a babysitter.  Call the neighbor girl down the street, ask the moms, find a single friend, and ask them to watch the kiddos.  YOU need to make reservations to her favorite restaurant.  Or a new restaurant that the both of you have talked about trying.  Remember, it’s Valentine’s Day.  So every Tom, Dick, and Harry have the same plans.  Don’t wait to make that reservation.  A couple days before Valentine’s Day, give her some cash and tell her to go buy a new outfit for this big night that you have planned.  Then that night, open doors for her, hold her hand, and don’t forget to tell her how beautiful she is.  That’s your recipe for a great night, and an even better to your evening!
  2. Spa Day
    Some Ladies want pampered in a different way.  They’re asking for a spa day.  So do a google search for local spas, drive your happy butt to that spa, and buy her a gift certificate for a full body massage, at least.  And then refer to number one.
  3. Alone time
    I noticed a trend with my polling.  The longer someone had been married, the less together time they wanted.  Women who were married for several years just wanted an evening of quiet.  No kids.  No noise.  Just quiet.  So if you think this is your Lady, ship the kiddos off somewhere, draw a hot bubble bath and light some candles in the bathroom.  Tell her to shut that door and not come out until she’s ready.  She’ll appreciate this gesture.  While she’s enjoying her bubble bath, do some laundry, wash some dishes or put them away, something that is helpful around the house that doesn’t disrupt her quiet.
  4. Proposal
    Of course, if you have a Lady Friend, depending on how long the two of you have been together, she may be hoping for a proposal.  In that case, email me so I can be there to photograph the proposal!  🙂

If these three suggestions just don’t sound like something your Lady would enjoy (which I doubt, but just maybe), have her take the Five Love Languages Quiz.  Depending on what her love language is, this could really help you decide what to do for Valentine’s Day.  Then here’s an awesome chart to give you some ideas of what to do!

Five Love Languages, Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Happy early Valentine’s Day, Friends!  I hope you all have a wonderful evening with your loved ones.  If you’re rocking the single season, no worries!  The good Lord just hasn’t placed someone in your life worth your time yet.  You’ll get there!  Promise!



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