Reasons to have a Sweetheart Table at Your Wedding

On of my favorite “trends” at weddings is a sweetheart table.  A sweetheart table is where the Bride and Groom sit a table just the two of them.  Their bridal party is sitting at other tables throughout the reception.  But the Bride and Groom – they’re in the front, enjoying the company of their new spouse, having an intimate dinner as Husband and Wife.

Loren Jackson Photography

Why Brides Need to do a Sweetheart Table

  1. Alone Time
    Any married couple will tell you that your wedding day is going to go by so fast that you’re going to get to the end of the night and ask where the day went.  Having a sweetheart table allows for some quiet time with the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.  You’ll be able to have an intimate conversation without feeling like you need to entertain your bridal party at the  big head table.
  2. Less awkwardness for the Bridal Party (and their dates)
    Speaking of bridal party, this could potentially be a little awkward for the date of someone in your bridal party if they don’t know anyone.  Not everyone is a social butterfly and can make friends with complete random strangers.  With a sweetheart table, your bridal party can sit with their significant other and enjoy their dinner as much as you are, having intimate conversations with the person they love and care about.
  3. Center of Attention
    Having a sweetheart table, your guests will be able to get photos of you without having to ask your bridal party to move over because they might be in the way.  Down fall to this is that guests may actually NOT give you alone time because you are in fact the center of attention more so with a sweetheart table than a head table with your whole bridal party.

sweetheart table, reception details, wedding advice for brides, photographer akron ohio

If you found this post on sweetheart tables helpful, be sure to check out my other helpful posts for brides by clicking here!

To view the wedding this sweetheart table was at, click here

To view more weddings, click here


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