I had so much writing last weeks post on Blogging Workflow that I couldn’t resist writing a post about blogging tips. Blogging has become such a huge part of my business, and though the last three months of consistent blogging, I’ve picked up some tips, or tools of the trade that I think anyone starting out is going to find extremely helpful.
Blogging can be intimidating. You’ll tell yourself you’re a horrible writer (i’m still telling myself that), but you get better (and you really do). You’ll have an endless about of typos (I ALWAYS have at least 3 per post..it’s bad) but you’ll get better at those, too. You’ll think you will run out of ideas (I get worried every month I do my blogging calendar), but you won’t.
There’s several blogging tips that I’ve discovered these last couple months and they’ve helped so much with me staying consistent and successful with my blogging. So here are a couple tips for you! I hope you find them helpful.
Blogging Tips
- ALWAYS start the month with a blogging calendar. Whether its paper or digital, you’ll need to decide what is easiest for you and what helps you stay consistent. I’m all about the digital format, but that’s just me.
- Another reason to love digital calendars instead of paper – it’s easier to move topics around if you want to post something sooner or later in the month.
- Keep a notes on your phone with ideas for blogging topics. Anytime an idea pops in your head, open on that note and type it! You’ll thank me later when you’re filling out your monthly calendar.
- Blog certain topics on certain days of the week. This helps with consistency, creditability, and filling out that calendar. I blog Weddings on Tuesdays, Wedding advice on Wednesday (and Mondays until engagement season kicks back in), Photography/business tips on Thursday, expect for the second Thursday of the month, that’s for my Dinner Table series.
- CONSISTENCY IS KEY – Blog ahead and schedule your posts for the same time EVERY SINGLE DAY. Don’t post one day at 8 am and then the next at 12. Your readers want to know when to expect your posts.
- Break your blog posts up into series. So when I was writing my post for my blogging workflow, I could have easily added these blogging tips through out that post. But creating a mini series for blogging help gave me not just one extra, but really three extra. (You’ll have to wait until April to see what the other two are).
- Write a blog post for each of your FAQs on your website
- Make a secret board on Pinterest for blogging topics and when you feel dried up, resort to that. Justin and Mary have a FANTASTIC post with 25 Blog Post Topics for Photographers! Definitely pin that and use those topics