Not Having it All Together, Together| Personal

rising tide society, community over competition

Back in March I met Natalie and Krista at the Creative at Heart Conference in Roanoke Virginia.  I immediately fell in love with their personality, and their willingness to help fellow creatives.

When Natalie made a blog post about the importance of finding a community in a very scary industry of supportive friends, she struck a nerve with so many creatives who felt the same way but could never put their feelings into works.  That day, Natalie spoke for hundreds.  A few short weeks later, Natalie and Krista announce the creation of the Rising Tide Society.

The Rising Tide Society was created to “cultivate a society of creative entrepreneurs who believe in community over competition and have a desire to lead with love.”  I have the awesome pleasure of being the leader for the Canton Group, which is a sister group to the Akron group.  

Yesterday in the national group a fellow RTS member posted a status that read: “Raise your hand if you feel like you don’t have it all together.”  As of 8:12 yesterday evening that status has been up for two hours and 732 people have liked the status and there are 139 comments.  Everyone is posting their raised hand emojis.

Reading that status it dawned on me that I’m not the only one who feels like they’re sinking right now.

My third year teaching started 11 days ago, I’m getting ready to go into busy season (16 sessions, 7 weddings, and a conference in Arizona all within eight weeks) , it’s taking me longer than 12 hours to respond to emails, and don’t even get me started on how I’ve completely slacked on my blog.

I’m falling asleep on the couch in Joshua’s lap at 7:30 and i’m being carried to bed an hour later.

And it’s only going to get crazier.  I just booked my last day for a session for the month of September AND OCTOBER.  I’m booked the until the third weekend of November.  Only one word can explain my emotions:  blessed.  Okay, maybe two, crazy.  I’m simply crazy.  But i’m so excited to be able to capture memories for my brides, for my seniors, and for new mommies.

While I feel like i’m sinking, barely keeping my head above water, yesterday I was reminded I wasn’t along.

I have the support of at least 6,000 other creatives in my fellow RTS.  I know that at least 732 people also feel like they’re losing their mind, and tomorrow’s always a new day.

It’s amazing to be apart of a community so supportive of another.  A true definition of COMMUNITY OVER COMPETITION!  Thank you fellow RTS members for reminding me that we’re in this together!  Love you all!

rising tide society, community over competition


  1. […] together a group of hard working people and create this COMMUNITY of supportive people.  This COMMUNITY over competition!  It has been a true honor to lead those meetings and I have become such a better person and […]

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