Let’s begin by assuming you already have your URL. You already have a brand with a logo, dedicated fonts and colors. And your website is live.
By the way – I recommend purchasing your URL from Google. You should totally reach out to Davey and Krista for a professional brand – at the very least, purchase one of their WordPress or Showit Templates. And for the best SEO, I recommend your website be either Showit or WordPress platform.
Your next task is to start actually blogging. But you have no idea where you should start or what you should write about.
Today, let’s talk about that!
Why Blog?
There are millions of blogs out there. Yes. Millions. It’s rather easy to start a blog. That is also true. But there is only one you.
The only way to stay in business is for people to trade you their hard-earned money for what you offer. People are only going to trade that if they trust you and what you provide. They want to know you, and they need to like you.
Blogging allows you to gain that know, like, trust with potential clients.
You’ll do this by sharing your knowledge. You’re going to blog about their problems and share solutions. You’re going to share more about yourself. And your heart for doing what you do.
In the book, The Science of Selling (I talked about the book more in this post), David Hoffeld discusses risk. A customer will not purchase from a company if the risk outweighs the reward. And the best way to reduce risk is through trust. Trust makes a buying decision feel safe.
What better way to gain trust than through sharing your expertise?!
How to Start Blogging
Whether you’re new in your business, or you consider yourself a pro at this point, you need a blog. Having a blog gives you OWNERSHIP of your digital voice and content. (AND builds trust!!! Read above!!)
Social Media is a wonderful tool in 2020, but it’s rented space. At any point in time, your accounts could close for no apparent reason. Remember that time in 2019 when Instagram crashed? Remember how business owners were freaking out because they couldn’t connect with their audience?!
My point is, don’t put your invaluable knowledge on a platform that you do not own.
Creating content for your blog may seem like an overwhelming task, but it’s not as bad as your brain is letting you believe. You just need some tips to get started!
Start with a pencil/pen and a piece of paper. Begin brainstorming some topics. Think about your target audience and the challenges they face. What advice do you have for them to solve their challenges? Once you begin writing down topics, more will come to you.
You have your list of topics you can begin blogging about. Now comes the fun part – consistency.
You need to stay consistent in your voice. Consistent with the audience you are trying to reach. And consistent with your delivery.
Your writing voice is important. Are you going to be professional in your tone? Or more casual and laid back?
If your audience is a 25-35-year-old engaged female, be sure you are writing to her. You want to avoid switching up your audience without any prior warning. You’re going to confuse the people who are following you! In other words, don’t share wedding advice one day, then share how to change the oil in a 2019 Harley Davidson Road King the next.
If you’re blogging once a week, aim to blog once a week, every week. Blog on the same day every week. Publish the post at the same time.
How do you plan on sharing your content with your audience?
Connecting with social media is a great start. You’ll share an eye-catching photo, include a caption that catching and add a call to action at the bottom. That call to action is to have the reader head to your blog to read more.
Social media is a great start, but it’s not the only one!
One business tool I wish I would have started sooner was an email list. Unlike your social media accounts, your email list is something you own. What else do you own? Your blog!! DING! DING! DING!
With the email list, you have greater insights than you do with social media. Nurture that email list like it’s your own child and you’ll see wonderful growth in your business!
Tools to be Successful at Blogging
Once you brainstormed several topics, it’s time to get to work! Type them up and post them. Trickle the content out weekly and keep blogging. Build that blog with valuable education for your target audience. Let them get to know you, trust you, and like you!! Then watch the fruits of your labor explode!
Here are some tools that I use to be successful at blogging!
URL Provider – Google Domains
Website Platform – Showit with WordPress integration
Website Design – Davey and Krista
Social Media Schedulers – CoSchedule + Plann
Email Marketing – Flodesk
Grammar Checker – Grammarly
A Blogging Freebie!
Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part! Today I’m sharing with you a free download! The download is a list of blogging topics! They include both personal and professional topics for business creatives!
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