Lexar Professional Workflow
How long does it take you to “dump” photos from your cards to your computer after a wedding day? After an eight hour wedding day, I’m dumping, on average, 3,000 photos from my CF cards to my external harddrive. That’s three cards with 3,000 photos, and roughly 100 gigs of data.
What if I told you it takes me less than 30 minutes to transfer all that data from the cards to computer. 30 minutes. That’s it. And I do it all at once. I don’t have to kill time waiting for one card to finish downloading so I can switch another card without losing time.
I first learned about the Lexar Professional Workflow spring of 2015. I waited and waited to take the plunge because I thought my way of doing things was fine. One card at a time wasn’t that big of a deal. Until I had my coaching session with Kately James in June of 2015. I talked with her about it and when I got home from Virgina, I added it to my amazon shopping cart, and thanks to Prime, had it at my front door in two days.
The Lexar Professional Workflow is a system that allows you to transfer up to four cards to your computer at once. I do all this transferring through Photo Mechanic. Photo Mechanic keeps track of all that information and organizes it by file name or by capture time if I want. Once the cards are finished injesting with Photo Mechanic, I ALWAYS organize by capture time to cull.
Adding the Lexar Professional Workflow to my wedding workflow has saved me HOURS. I can come home from a wedding, injest my cards with photo mechanic, cull a wedding, and start picking out my favorites for the blog post on Tuesday. If I was still injesting one card at a time, I would come off my wedding high and crash before my second card was finished.
If you’re ready to cut down on your ingest time, here’s what you need to purchase from Amazon:
- Workflow Hub
- CF Card Reader
- SD Card Reader (IF your camera shoots SD and not CF)
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